Good morning!

I have no idea how you stumbled upon this blog, but welcome. I will try to not waste your time, but I offer no guarantees. My name is Mike Donaldson, and I am a woodworker. There, I said it.

My Dad was a real woodworker, and he actually knew what he was doing, so much so that when he passed away in 2011, he still had all of his fingers. After he passed away, I purchased most of his tools from my mother and started working wood

I really don't like power tools. First off, power tools scare the poop out of me. I am pretty sure my table saw is trying to kill me; it has eaten a few of my projects and thrown some wood at me, hitting me a few times. My planer has done that, too. I'm pretty sure it's a conspiracy.

Secondly, I love the calm and the quiet of working by hand; using all of your senses (except taste, wood looks and smells good, but doesn't taste so great).

So there you have it. I now (almost) use hand tools exclusively, and really enjoy it. As you read on I will show you some of my projects, and some of how I did it. So sit back, take your shoes off, put your pants back on, and enjoy the blog.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Thank You to a Very Kind Man.

At the onset of my venture into woodworking, I have relied heavily on the wonderful people at  This is, by far, the best woodworking forum on the internet.  There is an actual community, and just genuinely good people.  Although I owe thanks to a lot of people, recently Wiley Horne has delivered my daughter Emry (the one of my four girls who is interested in woodworking) and I an unbelievable act of kindness.

A few weeks ago, Wiley contacted me and asked if I had any need of a Stanley 45 or a cutting gauge.  I have actually been looking at getting my hands on both for some time now, so I asked him how much he wanted for them.  He responded that he wanted to give them to us.  Tonight, the box arrived, and Emry, Tave and I opened it.  I had Dash, my 16 year old, photograph it.  This is what was in the box:

I really need to lay off the cookies.  That belly is getting quite rotund.  In nautical terms, I am growing a bulbous bow.  

In total, Wiley sent us the Stanley 45, 23 cutters for it, a morticing gauge, a cutting gauge, a ten inch brace and an eight inch brace.  They are all beautiful tools, and I can't say enough how appreciative we are for them.  The only way I know to repay Wiley is to promise him that these tools will be loved and used for generations to come.  Thank you, my friend, thank you.  

While Dash was photographing us opening the box, she took this gem of a self portrait as a joke.  The least I could do to reward her magnificent sense of humor is to immortalize her joke on the internet.  Bon Appetit!  

With Mallets Towards None

Dan Smith is my blacksmith friend.  Everybody, by the way, needs a blacksmith friend.  Shortly before I got out of the Coast Guard and moved away from the Tidewater region, Dan asked me if I could make a mallet for him.  He was having a problem when be was doing fancy work, he would sometimes have to do some minor bending after he had put detail in a piece, and his steel hammer would damage his work, so commissioned me to make him a wooden mallet.  The mallet could be ugly, because it was going to be used to beat on red hot metal and is essentially sacrificial.

Well, the saga of the past year has prevented me from completing the mallet, until this past weekend.  I am not sure exactly what design he wanted, so I put these together for him, and we'll see if they work.  The heads are Southern Yellow Pine, and the handles are red oak, morticed in about 3/4 of the way into the head, then pinned with dowels.

We'll see how they work.  He should get them in next week.  If there are any blacksmiths out there who can advise me about wooden mallets for fancy work, by all means....

While I was making these mallets, my two youngest daughters, Emry (10) and Tave (4) were in the shop with me.  Emry is making a small box right now and was trying to clean up her joinery with a chisel and I realized that she needs a mallet, too.  (her box build will be featured in a future post).

Additionally, Tave has been carrying around a short piece of poplar dowel I used to practice threading wood saying it was her "hammer" and that with it she can fix anything.  So, she needed a mallet, too.

I had a chunk of white oak I had glued up about two years ago with the intent of making it into a bandsaw box, but quickly discovered that it would make a better mallet than box.  After squaring up the block of oak, I cut it into two mallet heads, chopped a mortice into each one, then glued in a red oak handle.  I shaped the handles with a spokeshave, then pegged the handle in with dowels.  My 14 year old, Quinn, wanted to burn their names into the mallets, and this is the final result:

Some happy girls with some pretty snappy mallets.  Emry has been using hers to work on her box, and Tave has been 'fixing' everything by tapping on them.  Luckily, she can't swing too hard yet.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Workshop....Unplugged (for a while)

So, as my family and I were moving out of our house in North Carolina, nestled snugly between the swamps of hell and the fields of desperation, I received a job offer in Minnesota.  I took the job and moved up to St. Paul while my wife and daughters stayed in Atlanta with inlaws.  I found a little room to rent and figured it wold only be a month or two until my family moved up.  Long story short, it was almost 9 months.  So I set up shop in my little room.  I used the workbench I made for Emry, my 10 year old, and by force I finally went cold turkey into an unplugged work shop.  Here is what it looked like:

Not a whole lot of room, but with hand tools only, I didn't need much.  This forced me to get a lot better at the basics of woodworking.  Ripping a 12' board by hand forces you to get pretty good at sawing to a line (and helps you learn new and interesting cuss words).  Here are a few of the projects I made using all hand tools:

My roommates were pretty tolerant of my strange noises and piles of lumber, but didn't appreciate it when I was chopping mortices before bed.  After nine months of living apart, my wife and I bought our first house.  It's our dream house, really.  My wife loves the house, but for me, the insulated and walled in third garage stall workshop is a dream.  I moved all my tools in on the cement floor until we could figure out our budget for a better floor.

As you can see, I got the lumber rack hung, my daughter's workbench set up (complete with her personal tools above it, and her list of projects to build on yellow sticky notes-so cute).  But the cement floor was a drag, and I have to admit, I would cringe every time I saw a handplane sitting on the edge of a bench. We were able to scrape up a little extra money in the budget and decided to put a floor in.  I went with Dricore flooring.  It is a floating subfloor designed to go directly over concrete.  It allows the cement to breathe, and helps control moisture, plus it was pretty easy to install and only costs about $1.30/sqft.  Here is the installation:  

I liked that it only added about 7/8" to the concrete, so all the doors in the shop still work correctly.  If the floor were any thicker, I would have had to cut doors.  Well, 55 tiles later, my 220 sqft shop was done.  Behold, my happy place!

So, as you can see, my shop is no longer unplugged.  I still prefer hand tools, and all my joinery is by hand, but rough cutting stock by hand just sucks, so I'll cheat on that part.  The attentive reader may note that the table saw is NOT plugged in.  The shop does not have a 220v outlet, so it remains in hibernation, and I sleep well at night (until my friend helps me run the 220V to the shop, then I'll once again sleep in fear of the man-eating table saw).

So my journey has gone from all power tools, to all hand tools, to a hybrid but mostly hand tool woodshop.  I've learned a lot on the journey, and I'm happy with where I am.  So is Emry:

Now, it's time to start some Christmas projects...